Where Passion Meets Purpose


Bridging the gap, building relationship, becoming new in Christ.


Focusing on our common cause, Christ, His Church and our community. 

The love of Jesus at the center.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and shed his blood that we can be saved from our sins. ~John 3:16
  • We believe that after recieving Jesus water baptism symbolizes barrieing our old sin nature and becoming a deciple (life long learner) of Jesus Christ. ~Matthew 28:18-20
  • We believe being saved from sin means living a life of holiness, no longer practicing sin, although not perfect, but free from sin. ~ Romans 12
  • We preach & teach biblical principles and believe and operate in all 5 of the gifts of the church (Apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist) ~Ephesians 4:11-16